Saturday, February 20, 2016

FSX\P3D Tashkent X scenery - beta release

Finally we publish Tashkent X beat

link for the torrent file 
you can download it frome here:

also I will try to find another way to publish it

read me:

Tashkent X

This product is in a beat condition and unfinished, it include all the photoscenery imagery and part of the autogen objects, also the winter texture and night texture , still there is more to improve.
This scenery have been tested in FSX,P3Dv3
If you notice any problem you invite to inform me so I can fix or improve it

This scenery use the default FS Terrain Mesh
But you can use "FreeMesh X Global" - LOD10 (38-m resolution)

Simply move the folder into Addon Scenery folder (ore any folder you choose)
driver:\......\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery
Open your simulator -> navigate to world -> scenery library -> add area.
From there navigate to the Tashkent_X folder  and press OK

You can connect me via the mail:
Created by Felix Tchvertkin - FTXdes