So I've been working on the project for more then a year (minus 3 month that I left it after a car accident, I'm fine if you ask but need to focus on other things, so the development is back)
and in this post I want to share the progress that been done during this time
as you can see in this post I've been focused in modeling and creating as many of the surrounding buildings in the airport area and inside the airport, there is no border between the airport and the city so it hard to draw the line of the area I want to cover so each time I adding another layer of buildings.
right now I'm working on the terminal and I will be posting a big update about the progress there here and also on our discord server (you can follow our discord and get the daily update about the project progress)
so as I mentioned on this post hopefully after the terminal completion I hope to start assembling the airport inside the simulator so I'm very close to start showing the results